Simple and Easy Diet Tips

Dr.Atif MD
March 5, 2021

We all struggle with reaching our goals no matter how important they are to us.

It’s a common expression “where there’s a will there’s a way” Finding that will to push forward is an important part of why we chose to embark on our goals.

Having a solid core reason why we even chose to pursue anything is important.

Think back to a time where you have accomplished something big. Chances are that accomplishment came with a struggle. That struggle was part of the process to reach your goal.


Being Consistent in your goals is a major factor in driving us to our goals. 
We will often assume that the bigger the action in reaching the goal the closer we are. This is half true, and if you are only expecting things to work all the time that may lead you to be dishearted in the event that things don’t work out. 
This begins a cycle, first, we find that we are not getting consistent results and feel we are doing something wrong. This will lead us to be slightly discouraged and then after a certain limit, we will feel we should quit. 

Its often during these periods where things are not working out is where the actual work lies. 
Being able to stick to circumstances that are not working out is the crucial period in getting results.

Mentally we have to prepared for this to happen.
We need to keep in mind this is life, we will not always have things working to perfection.


There’s no doubt that “hard work” is needed to reach our goals. There are numerous studies and books that have been written on the level of action.

Most of the research goes down to starting with simplicity and branching up to adapt to the higher level of work needed.

There is no doubt that we all want to hit the ground running. We see others do it and are so amazed at how simple they make it look!

The reality is that every expert, started as a beginner and that the beginner also started with a simple action.

This is something that we can’t overlook. I find it useful to remember this mantra during times of difficulty in my own goals.


The success of any diet or wellness plan also needs to have the proper mental framework.